10 Allen Street, Bunbury,
WA 6230

Parent Information

School Development Days for Cooinda Primary School for the year can be found on the CONNECT calendar (Students to not attend on these days).

Education Term Dates 2025

Semester 1
Term 1Wednesday 5th February to Friday 11th April
BreakSaturday 12th April to Sunday 27th April
Term 2 Monday 28th April to Friday 4th July
BreakSaturday 5th July to Sunday 20th July
Semester 2
Term 3Monday 21st July to Friday 26th September
BreakSaturday 27th September to Sunday 12th October
Term 4Monday 13th October to Thursday 18th December

School Development Days for Cooinda Primary School for the year can be found on the CONNECT calendar (Students do not attend on these days).

Education Term Dates 2026

Semester 1
Term 1Monday 2nd February to Thursday 2nd April
BreakFriday 3rd April to Sunday 19th April
Term 2 Monday 20th April to Friday 3rd July
BreakSaturday 4th July to Sunday 19th July
Semester 2
Term 3Monday 20th July to Friday 25th September
BreakSaturday 26th September to Sunday 11th October
Term 4Monday 12th October to Thursday 17th December